Unlike last summer, in which the majority of my classes were theory based, this summer's classes are more hands on. I am especially enjoying learning how to teach independent living skills under blindfold.
Cooking simple meals which involve operating an oven, chopping, blendng, mixing, and cleanup, although somewhat frustrating while under occlusion, has also been quite fun - especially after being able to enjoy the finished product.
Although I love learning about and developing my O&M (Orientation and Mobility) skills, I find that Vision Rehabilitation Teaching (VRT) is another area that I would like to obtain certification and an additional Masters degree in the future. Many veterans are returning from Iraq and/or Afganistan and have lost their sight are in desperate need of VRT services; as are many senior citizens who have lost their eyesight due to diabetes.
Another highlight of my summer school experience was when I was invited to participate in the "Summer In the City" program in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The purpose of this day long program was to assist blind and visually impaired students in developing practical life skills such as visiting a department store and learning how to shop for and purchase appropriate clothes to wear on a job interview, cultivating interviewing skills by participating in mock interviews with department store managers, as well as learning how to sort, organize, and categorize books in a library.
Yay! You're back! I can't wait to read this post but I will have to do it at work. lol. I will email you later.
PS, sorry but I thought Praha was in the U.A.E.. Duh, it's in Prague. hehe
Ok. Great. Will post more updates as soon as I can...lots of family related drama going on at the moment.
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